A universal welcome to all prospective and current patients, eye residents, ophthalmologists, oculoplastic surgeons, fellow ocularists and visitors to our web site.
For all prospective patients: The Jahrling family tradition of craftsmanship and quality of personalized care ensures that your prosthetic eye will be as comfortable, natural in movement and lifelike in appearance as circumstances will allow. We know that losing an eye or lack of an eye is a very physical and emotional experience, and our caring professional staff will try their very best to help you or your child make a smooth and quick transition back to a normal life.
For all referring medical/surgical/primary care physicians: Our ocular prosthetic expertise ranges from pediatric anophthalmos/microphthalmos (i.e. non-surgical expansion of the eyelids and orbital tissues) to geriatric socket and atonal eyelid conditions. Another specialty is the impression moulded scleral cover shell prosthesis to restore palpebral fissure symmetry and cosmesis over a blind, scarred, disfigured globe.
For all concerned: Please, let us escort you through our Links and other related web sites for any specific or general information pertaining to the profession of ocularistry.
50 Staniford Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA
Members American Society of Ocularists, Board Certified Ocularists