Liviing in God's Amazing Grace in "The City by the Sea"
St. Peter and his brother Andrew fishing on the Sea of Galilee at dawn. Stained glass windows and doors designed by Willet Stained Glass Studios, Philadelphia, PA Illustrated by Kendra Bidwell Ferreira
Welcome to St. Peter's!
St. Peter's is the only Lutheran Church serving the City of Newport and all of Newport County. We invite you to explore these pages and learn more about us. If you are ever in Newport or on Aquidneck Island, we invite to you stop in and meet us.
Worship & EducationSchedule
10:15am ~ Sung Eucharist
Nursery (to age 5) is available 9am until end of Sung Eucharist.
Childrens Church is available during the Sung Eucharist (ages 4 to 10)
6:00pm ~ Catechism Class (7/8 grade)
First Wednesday of Month
12noon ~ Eucharist w/Healing Rites
Newport Weather Forecast, RI (02840)
Last updated on October 20, 2010