Welcome to the Gifted Resource Center of New England!
Directed by Deirdre V. Lovecky, Ph.D.
"I have been a clinical psychologist for more than 25 years, and specialize currently in working with gifted children. My interests are in helping to identify gifted children and to design meaningful school programs and outside enrichment activities for them to pursue. I am especially interested in these children's needs for increased complex stimulation and abstraction. Also, the highly and exceptionally gifted are of particular interest as I have assessed more than 200 children over IQ 150. I am interested in the needs of gifted children who are also learning disabled or AD/HD, have Asperger's Syndrome or other behavioral or mental health disorders, and I try to work with schools to provide for the unusual combinations of strengths and weaknesses found in these children."
You will find information about my book, Different Minds: Gifted Children with AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome, and Other Learning Deficits on the Books for Parents page of the Resources section of this web site.
Different Minds can be ordered directly from the publisher, at:
Jessica Kingsley Publications
(needed to order the right book).
The price is $24.95 plus $4.00 shipping for the first book and $1 for each additional book.
P.O. Box 40326, Providence, RI 02940-0326 - (401) 421-3426 e-mail: GRCNE02940@aol.com
Created by Growing Minds, Inc.